Modern hearing aids require precise programming to provide optimal benefit. Research shows that Real Ear Measurements (REM) significantly improve hearing aid outcomes, yet only about 30% of hearing healthcare providers regularly perform this verification. At Advanced Hearing Center, we conduct Real Ear Measurements on every hearing aid fitting to ensure you receive the maximum benefit from your devices.
When hearing aids aren't programmed correctly, the impact goes way beyond just not hearing well. Think about missing parts of conversations with your grandkids, or struggling to follow along at an important work meeting. Many of our patients who come to us after getting hearing aids elsewhere tell us they stopped going to family gatherings or meeting friends for dinner because they couldn't understand the conversation, even with their hearing aids.
Being isolated from friends and family takes a real toll on mental health and brain function. Research has linked untreated and poorly-treated hearing loss to increased risks of cognitive decline and depression. No one should have to miss out on life because their hearing aids weren't fit properly.
Safety is another big concern. We've had patients tell us stories about not hearing fire alarms or emergency vehicles until it was almost too late. At work, missing important instructions or struggling in meetings can seriously impact your job performance and relationships with coworkers.
The financial side is frustrating too. Modern hearing aids like the Phonak Infinio or ReSound Vivia are sophisticated devices that represent a significant investment. But without proper fitting and verification, that investment often goes to waste. We see many patients who paid thousands for hearing aids they barely use because they never worked right. Others spend hours making repeated trips back to their provider trying to get adjustments, or end up buying new hearing aids entirely.
That's why we're committed to doing things right the first time with Real Ear Measurements. This simple verification step helps ensure your hearing aids are programmed exactly for your needs. When hearing aids work properly, our patients tell us they feel more confident, more connected to loved ones, and more engaged in all their daily activities.
We'd love to show you the difference proper hearing aid fitting can make. Whether you're considering your first hearing aids or struggling with ones you already have, we can help.
Real Ear Measurements involve placing a tiny microphone in your ear canal while wearing your hearing aids. This allows us to measure the exact sound levels reaching your eardrum and verify that your hearing aids are providing the right amount of amplification across all frequencies. Without this verification, hearing aids may over- or under-amplify certain sounds, leading to reduced satisfaction and benefit.
During REM testing, we place a small probe microphone in your ear canal alongside your hearing aid. We then play various test signals and measure how the hearing aid processes these sounds. This allows us to see exactly how the hearing aid is performing in your unique ear canal and make precise adjustments to match prescribed targets based on your hearing loss.
The measurements account for your individual ear canal shape and size, which significantly affect how sound is delivered to your eardrum. Two people with identical hearing losses may require different hearing aid settings due to their unique ear canal acoustics.
Recent testing from independent labs like HearAdvisor shows that relying solely on manufacturer "first-fit" settings often results in sub-optimal amplification. For example, testing of the new Signia Pure IX revealed that default settings provided less amplification than needed, but once properly adjusted using Real Ear Measurements, speech understanding improved significantly.
The same has been found with other premium hearing aids like the Phonak Infinio and Widex Moment. While these devices offer impressive technology, they require professional verification through Real Ear Measurements to deliver optimal performance.
Our experience shows that proper verification through Real Ear Measurements typically reduces the number of follow-up visits needed for adjustments. More importantly, it helps ensure you'll actually wear and benefit from your hearing aids, protecting your investment in better hearing. Independent testing from HearAdvisor has demonstrated that premium devices like the Phonak Infinio, Oticon Intent, and ReSound Vivia perform significantly better when properly verified versus relying on manufacturer default settings.
Improved Speech Understanding: When hearing aids are properly verified, users typically experience better speech clarity, especially in challenging listening environments.
Better Sound Quality: Real Ear Measurements help ensure that sound quality is natural and comfortable across all frequencies.
Reduced Follow-up Visits: Getting settings right the first time means fewer adjustment appointments needed later.
Higher Satisfaction: Research shows that hearing aid users whose fittings are verified with Real Ear Measurements report higher satisfaction with their devices.
Today's premium hearing aids like the Phonak Infinio, Oticon Intent, and ReSound Vivia feature sophisticated artificial intelligence and processing capabilities. These advances make proper fitting even more critical to achieve optimal results.
For instance, the Phonak Infinio's Spheric Speech Clarity and deep neural network processing require precise calibration through Real Ear Measurements to deliver their claimed 10dB improvement in signal-to-noise ratio. Similarly, Oticon Intent's RealTime Conversation Enhancement and ReSound Vivia's AI-driven sound processing and Intelligent Focus features depend on accurate programming verified through real ear testing.
The measurement process typically takes 15-20 minutes per ear as part of your hearing aid fitting appointment.
No. The probe microphone is very thin and flexible. Most patients barely notice it during testing.
We perform Real Ear Measurements at your initial fitting and may repeat them if significant adjustments are needed or if you switch to new hearing aids.
Our patients consistently report better outcomes when their hearing aids are verified using Real Ear Measurements. Many who switch to our practice from providers who didn't perform verification notice immediate improvements once their devices are properly adjusted.
For example, many users of premium technology like the ReSound Vivia find that Real Ear verification helps them better utilize advanced features like the new directional microphone system. The same applies to users of Oticon Intent with its AI-driven sound processing - proper verification ensures these sophisticated systems work as intended.
If you're considering new hearing aids or want to verify that your current devices are optimally programmed, contact Advanced Hearing Center to schedule an appointment. Our audiologists use Real Ear Measurements as part of our comprehensive fitting process to ensure you receive the maximum benefit from your investment in better hearing. With the right technology properly fitted to your unique needs, you can experience the best possible hearing outcomes.